Felting supplies
Felting Needles
Felting Needles
Available in three sizes
Sold two to a package
#36 - sturdy
#38 - Medium
#40 - Fine
$2.50 package
Lightweight Merino Card Felt
Lightweight Merino Card Felt
Appox. 5" x 7"
Variously colored - Very limited supply
Are used for fine needlepointing of something that you can then glue to a large notecard as a gift.
$1.95 ea.
Felting Pad
Felting Pad
5" x 5" Pad for Felting
$6.00 ea.
Felting Kits
Felting Kits
5 x 5 Felting Pad
2 Felting Needles
1 oz. Natural Targhee Wool
2 oz. Asst. Colors Targhee Wool
Felting Tool
Felting Tool
Felting Tool with 7 Needles
Needle Felting Wool
Needle Felting Wool
Two ounces of Targhee wool in a multitude of colors. Great for needle felting!
$7.00 bag