Felting supplies

Felting Needles

Available in three sizes

Sold two to a package

#36 - sturdy

#38 - Medium

#40 - Fine

$2.50 package

Lightweight Merino Card Felt

Appox. 5" x 7"

Variously colored

Are used for fine needlepointing of something that you can then glue to a large notecard as a gift.

$1.95 ea.

Felting Pad

5" x 5" Pad for Felting

$4.00 ea.

Merino Felt

Beautiful felts to use as backgrounds to felted pictures, or cut and use anyway you wish. Prices vary and supply is limited.

Egg Crate Wool Samplers

For just a tiny bit of different colors, or for beginning felters who are just trying it out, these bits are fun to play with. Most wool is from the Targhee sheep wool that I sell.



Felting Kits


5 x 5 Felting Pad

2 Felting Needles

1 oz. Natural Targhee Wool

2 oz. Asst. Colors Targhee Wool

Felting Tool

Felting Tool with 7 Needles


Needle Felting Wool

Two ounces of Targhee wool in a multitude of colors. Great for needle felting!

$7.00 bag